Join Piano By Ear Essentials

Learn how to play the piano and create music you're passionate about without the hassle of music theory, sight reading, or long hours of piano lessons.

What if you could create songs, improvise, and write music NOW, as a beginner without years of studying music theory?

What if you could produce for yourself and others with ease and enjoy making music that you're passionate about?

What if you could hear a melody or idea in your head and play it instantly?

What if you could play your favorite songs after only hearing it one time?

Hi, I'm Marquis Dwah. Producer, recording artist, musician, and founder of Making Music EZ. I've been teaching aspiring musicians, producers, and creators how to play and create music they love, starting with the piano. I've received many emails and dm's from people telling me they want to be able to write songs for their church or that they want to be able to put together chords to lay down a dope beat they can vibe and write to. The problem is they don't know how and they end up being frustrated with themselves and give up on something that they're really passionate about. Even worse, they become stagnant while secretly harboring the desire to grow as a musician. 

Most people start out with various tips and tricks from YouTube videos and try to piece them altogether. It can work for awhile and you will learn some cool things but you never get the satisfaction of seeing your growth as a musician. You can search YouTube to learn 4 chords for hundreds of songs but you miss out on the why and how these chords work together. (By the way, I showed you those chords in my beginners guide).

Then there are the musical books you can learn from but that’s teaching sight reading most times. You realize how boring it is and how it moves you further rather than closer to your goal. Eventually you become uninterested and lose your motivation to play music.

I was so young and knew nothing about the piano back then.

Humble Beginnings...

I can identify because I was once at this beginner stage and have experienced those same feelings and thoughts myself. When I started playing in the church, I had no idea what I was doing and sucked to the point where I was kicked off the piano because I simply couldn’t keep up with the rest of the band. I remember being embarrassed because I couldn’t figure out how to play the song correctly. One time the entire choir was laughing at me because the lead singer was singing in one key and I was playing the song in an entirely different key! The clash with the choir and the music was alarming to say the least. I felt alone in that moment and questioned why am I even doing this anymore. 

Can anybody relate?

Some Sunday’s, even the Pastor would look at me and ask what are you doing?

It was tough and I went through years of not seeing any progression in my playing ability. I watched and stood by while my peers soared pass me and was playing for multiple churches, bands, and producing music. I had the dream of one day being able to play and make songs that I was extremely proud of that brought joy to myself and others but for years I was just stuck! I tried those random tactics that sounded and looked appealing but I never got real results. Fast forward to today and now I am a self-taught musician/multi-instrumentalist, a producer, songwriter, and recording artist.  

I’ve been playing music for over 15 years for various artists, producing for them and myself as well. I’ll be real with you though, it took a LONG time to get here but it doesn’t have to take long for you. There are two keys you need to know to be able to achieve these goals.

🔑 1. You have to be able to play by ear. (This is not even up for a debate)

🔑  2. You have to start with the piano since this is the gateway instrument.

Let’s deal with the first key which is being able to play by ear. I want you to get rid of the myth that being able to play by ear is a special ability that only certain “elite” musicians have. That couldn’t be further from the truth. You don’t have to be superhuman to be able to do this because it is a unique skill that can be LEARNED! Have you ever seen someone listen to a song and instantly be able to play it? They are playing by ear. What about grabbing an instrument and instantly improvise and create whatever they choose or feel? They are playing by ear. My friend, you can do this if you learn the foundational principles of music and then build on it. Random tips and tricks don’t count and YouTube can only take you but so far and actually leaves you in the state of awe, wishing you could play what you’re watching (you can actually once you learn the foundational principles).

I can assure you that your favorite artist is not going to a piece of sheet music to write musical notations to come up with their next song. In fact, the very opposite is happening. They hear a melody in their head or in a dream, they wake up, grab their instrument, find the key (or major scale) of that melody, and they improvise from there. Or they just go to their instrument, play what they feel, and start creating on the fly without sheet music and without writing down notes. It’s almost like magic but in reality it's something better. They simply know how to play by ear and you can too!

The second key to start with the piano I learned this at a really young age when I wanted to play drums for my church. 

Who didn't want to be a drummer? 🤔

When my mom took me to a music school and I told the instructor about the drums, he replied okay I can get you there but FIRST you HAVE to learn how to play the piano. Stupid kid, I never went back but older mature me regretted not staying because that instructor was right.

 When I say the piano is the gateway instrument, I mean once you learn this you can play and improvise on any instrument. You will learn rhythm on the piano as it relates to playing drums. You play the bass with your left hand on the piano so you’ll already have the internal knowledge of the bass instrument and what it should be doing. You play chords on the piano so you will know all the chords and theory as it relates to other instruments that play chords as well. (guitar, organ, ukulele etc). Basically, everything stems from the piano and it’s the easiest to learn so it's essential that you start on the piano first.

So while it took me a long time to see progress in my musical ability, it doesn’t have to be that way for you. In fact everything changed for me and my skills accelerated once I learned the foundational principles to music.

Today I want to show you just that.


Making Music EZ: Piano By Ear Essentials

Learn how to play the piano and create music you are passionate about by ear, without music theory knowledge or sight reading. EVERYTHING you need to play and create by ear all jam packed into one course! 

Skeptical? Don’t be, this has been my reality for years and many others especially in the gospel/black church. I don’t read music at all but I can play and create anything I want within seconds! This online course contains 4 core modules loaded with 20 videos designed to teach the beginner/average aspiring musician and producer the skills needed to play and create what they feel. The principles you will learn will allow you to take a musical idea and bring it to life. I take you from knowing nothing about piano or music to having the ability to create your own songs by the end of the course. Instead of various tips, I implement a step by step system to get you results on your musical journey quickly. No bs, you will learn how to play piano by ear fast and all the knowledge you need to branch off and play anything you choose.

Let me show you what you’ll learn in the course

Module 1:

Your Piano & Music Fundamentals

  • The finger exercises you need to improve dexterity and strength.
  • Intervals, sharps & flats, whole & half steps
  • The major scale and Nashville Number systems and how they work together
  • Plus the proper finger positioning to going up and down the keyboard for all 12 notes. (I do an entire lesson on just the proper finger positioning for each key. I take my time so you can really see what I’m doing).
  • Practice routines and habits to implement daily for yourself

Module 2:

Introduction To Chords/ Chord Vocabulary

  • Major & Minor Chord Happy/Sad Chords and when to play which chord as it relates to the major scale
  • How to play different chord voicing and inversions and when
  • What to do with your left hand when playing (using it as your bass note). Plus learn some walking bass lines
  • Intro to passing chords and notes. Learn your essential go to passing chord that you can use at anytime.
  • How to name all the chords in music (Yes you will be learning music theory without the years of training) We’ll combine everything you learned thus far to be able to do this.

Module 3:

Play Any Song By Ear

  • How to find the key to any song with my “Hum Technique”
  • Following The Bass Note is the essential element to figuring out what the song is doing. I'll show you to do that in this lesson.
  • Putting It Altogether- Follow along as we pick a song and play it on the spot. We’ll implement everything we learned so far
  • No Transposing/Play any song in all 12 keys (I’ll use Purple Rain by Prince for an example and a Maroon 5 song. I’m sorry, I really like Maroon 5 and their catchy hooks)
  • How to change the key of any song (we call this modulating)

Module 4:

Let's Create Some Music

  • Using arpeggios to spice up and add some flavor to your playing
  • Chord and Melody- I show you how to build your chords off of notes or melodies
  • Chord Pattern Efficiency - Your 2-5-1 pattern. This is how 90% of songs end. Use this formula to end your own songs.
  • Chord Pattern 3 to the 6- This is a very popular chord pattern that is used in music. I'll show you to use this. 
  • Play what you feel- Here we will use the right chords to evoke the emotion we want. Maybe a ballad, a soulful song, upbeat song. I’ll show you the chords to play to accomplish whatever you feeling you want for the song

And much more….

Jon C.

I never thought I’d be able to play my favorite songs but this course has really helped me to train my ear and play along. That hum technique is a game changer! 

I also decided to throw in some extra goodies for you that will enhance your playing and creation process! Not only will you get these 4 core modules but I’ve added these additional bonus content

  • Bonus Lesson 1-Neo-soul/R&B/Jazz Sound. 7th, 9th, 11th chord voicing.

For those of you who want to get that D’angelo/Jill Scott sound. Here is a lesson dedicated to the neo-soul, r&b, and jazz feel. You’ll love this lesson on what we call chord extensions.

  • Bonus Lesson 2-The Best Part

Learn the ever so popular minor 6th chord. I show you how and when to use the minor 6th chord and how it's most commonly used in music, such as songs like the Best Part by Daniel Caesar. Oh, I’ll teach you how to play that song as well.

  • Bonus Lesson 3- Phat Chords/Left Hand Technique 

Make your chords sound full and stacked! Use this trick to add more flavor to your chords and sound like a seasoned musician.

  • Bonus Lesson 4- Let’s Get Funky

Your intro to using dominant chords to play get that funk sound.

  • Bonus Lesson 5Stay in Your Lane

How to play along when playing with a bass player and maximizing your role as the keyboard player. Trust me, bass players hate when you overcrowd and clash with them. 

  • Bonus Lesson 6- The Minor Scale & What Relative Minor Means.

While I don’t feel you need to know this scale to make beautiful music I didn’t want to withhold this from you.

  • Bonus CourseMaking Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns, & Passing Chord Essentials.

I did an entire course focusing on chord progressions, musical patterns, and the essential passing chords you will need to take your playing to the next level! While I showed you the basic patterns and chord progressions needed to make music in module 4 of the course, this is a far more in depth breakdown of these concepts and has more advanced progressions and passing chords that will really make you stand out. I use some of these passing chords all the time in my music and most musicians use these too! Especially if you want to play gospel music, this is a must have! This course alone has an additional 10 extra lessons/videos packed in!

  • Bonus Lesson 7-The Soloing Scale

Learn this scale and how to pull off creative solos on the piano.

  • Bonus Lesson 8- Song Structure

We'll create a song together on the fly. While I won’t be writing lyrics, we’ll put together the chords we know and build a complete song. Chords for the verse, chorus, and bridge of a song. Watch me come up with a melody for a song as well. I’ll show you the easiest way to do this and I’ll also breakdown one of my songs and how I built the chord structure for it.

George D.

I really feel I got my monies worth out of this course. Now I know what chords to play to get that sweet sound I’ve been looking for thanks to that bonus neo-soul lesson

Now you could do private weekly lessons at $50 a pop which would cost you more than 2 grand a year! Plus with weekly private lessons, you’ll be learning how to sight read and music theory which won’t get you playing and creating music right away. You’ll just be recycling music that’s already out there at a very slow and boring pace. Or you can implement this system and teachings to get you to your goal fast.

So here’s what you’ll get when you join Making Music EZ: Piano By Ear Essentials

All 4 core modules 20 video lessons ($200 value)

Exclusive bonus content lessons 1-6 ($100 value)

My entire Progressions, Patterns, & Passing Chord Essentials course and bonus lessons 7-8 ($150 value)

Total value for all of this training = $450 but you can get this all for a one time payment of $147. That’s more than 65% off! Plus, you get LIFETIME access to all the videos and lessons in my course. 

Get instant access to the entire Piano By Ear Essentials course for just one payment of $147.

Click below to get started

Get Started

Don't forget this is completely risk free!

As you can see I put a lot into this course and I want to guarantee that you succeed as a skillful musician, producer, creator, or hobbyist with the ability to play by ear. I’ve put hundreds of hours into building this course and testing this with other students to ensure that they got results fast. To make sure this is a no-brainer opportunity, I’m giving you a 30 day 100% money back guarantee with your purchase of Piano By Ear Essentials! Take the entire course, implement and practice all the teachings, and see if you get results. If you don't, feel free to email me and request a 100% no hassle refund.

Now if for some reason you don’t want all the bonuses in this course I do offer a basic version.

You will still get

All 4 core modules with 20 video lessons ($200.00 value)

Bonus content lessons 1-6 ($100.00 value)

For a one time payment of $97

You just won’t get the Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns, & Passing Chord Essentials course and bonus lessons 7-8.


Here’s more bonuses for you to sweeten the deal.

Free video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line ($50 value)

I know I have some aspiring gospel musicians in my community and I want to give them this free tip as well. I’ll show you the standard walking bass line for your left hand as well as what to do with your right hand.

Bonus Free Song Tear Down ($75 value)

I’ll choose a gospel song (O come let us adore him) so you get an inside look on how gospel musicians think and play their chords so you can add this element to your playing style. I’ll also do a pop song breakdown and how to add some more spice to your playing so you don’t sound boring.

With everything that I am offering, I can’t guarantee you that these prices will stay this low forever. Most likely, I will be raising the prices on this course in the near future. I can guarantee you that if you act now, this course will transform your playing, open up your musicality, and have you creating music you love.



One time payment

  • All 4 core modules 20 video lessons

  • All 6 exclusive bonus lessons added from neo-soul sound to phat chords to playing funk and more

  • Video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line
  • Free Song Tear Down- Breakdown of a gospel song and a pop song to see how seasoned musicians think and what you can add to your playing now!
  • My entire stand alone course: Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns & Passing Chord Essentials
  • Bonus lessons 7&8 : The soloing scale & song structure lesson. Building a song from scratch. 




  • All 4 core modules 20 video lessons
  • All 6 exclusive bonus lessons added from neo-soul sound to phat chords to playing funk and more
  • Video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line
  • Free Song Tear Down- Breakdown of a gospel song and a pop song to see how seasoned musicians think and what you can add to your playing now!
  • My entire stand alone course: Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns & Passing Chord Essentials
  • Bonus lessons 7&8: The soloing scale and song structure lesson. Building a song from scratch.

Piano By Ear Essentials is for you:

  • If you are a beginner looking to learn and follow a step by step to playing piano and creating music by ear. (This entire course is designed for beginners who are ready to take the leap)!
  • If you’re not caught up the knowledge of music theory but you want to play and create music NOW. (Believe me, when you’re done with the course you’ll know way more music theory but this isn’t the focal point of the course).
  • If you’re tired of random tips and tricks from YouTube and other sources but you want real results that accelerate your playing.
  • If you’re driven and ready to open up your musical ability
  • If you want to be able to play your favorite songs by ear- (I teach the hum technique to find the key and how to follow along in a song in Module 3).
  • If you want that phat neo-soul and r&b sound in your chord vocabulary. (Don’t worry, I got you. I teach this in bonus lesson 1).
  • If you’re passionate about playing and making music that you love. For those of you who are serious about playing and creating music that they and others can feel, this is definitely for you
  • If you’re tired of not taking action and watching time pass you by. (Take action now and watch your musical transformation take shape).
  • If you want to be a music producer
  • If you want to be able to play multiple instruments (I personally play piano, keyboard, organ, bass, electric/acoustic guitar, and drums).
  • If you don’t have any musical experience or knowledge- (This course takes you from knowing nothing to playing by ear)
  • If you want to be able to play with a band- (I teach these concepts in bonus lesson 5).
  • If you’re willing to put in the work to see the results
  • If you want to be able to play in all 12 keys without hesitation (We cover this in module 3)

Piano By Ear Essentials is not for you:

  • If you’re looking for advanced tips and tricks. - While I do teach some advanced concepts in this course, the lessons are more geared to absolute beginners/intermediate level players. (There are others who focus on advanced tips and tricks that will better suited for you. While I do teach some advanced tips or concepts, my goal is to help the beginner/intermediate musician).
  • If you want random tips or a magic pill- (I’m sorry I can’t promise you that. What I can promise you is if you put in the work and follow the step by step system, you will have the ability to play piano by ear and can start making the music of your dreams).

Caleb M.

I work full time and I have kids so I thought it would be tough for me to keep up. But since I have lifetime access to the course and can watch it anytime, I can learn at my own pace. I watch some lessons on my lunch break, view more of it after the kids are fed, and then I set aside 30 minutes to an hour before bed to practice everything. I’ve learned so much more in this course than any of the expensive private lessons that I paid for. Totally worth the investment!

Quick question…

If this course could take you from beginner to a skillful musician with the ability to play piano, multiple other instruments, different genres of music, and able to create the songs you want to, would it be worth it?

If this course could save you from investing more than 2 grand a year on boring weekly private lessons that don’t get you fast results, wouldn’t it be worth it?

If this course could hone your skills so you can produce your own music and for others, would it be worth it to you?

Kayla W.

I was afraid that the course would be too advanced for me but I really enjoyed how Marquis breaks everything down so easily for me to understand and keep up. This course really caters to the beginner. I went from knowing nothing about music to understanding and playing my own tunes to show off to my friends. The song from scratch bonus lesson really helped me hone my skills on creating beats and music.

Get instant access to Making Music EZ: Piano By Ear Essentials

Choose which option is best for you..



One time payment

  • All 4 core modules 20 video lessons

  • All 6 exclusive bonus lessons added from neo-soul sound to phat chords to playing funk and more

  • Video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line
  • Free Song Tear Down- Breakdown of a gospel song and a pop song to see how seasoned musicians think and what you can add to your playing now!
  • My entire stand alone course: Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns & Passing Chord Essentials
  • Bonus lessons 7&8 : The soloing scale & song structure lesson. Building a song from scratch. 
  • 1 hour one time skype or zoom call with me. One on One private coaching where you can ask me anything.




  • All 4 core modules 20 video lessons
  • All 6 exclusive bonus lessons added from neo-soul sound to phat chords to playing funk and more
  • Video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line
  • Free Song Tear Down- Breakdown of a gospel song and a pop song to see how seasoned musicians think and what you can add to your playing now!
  • My entire stand alone course: Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns & Passing Chord Essentials
  • Bonus lessons 7&8: The soloing scale and song structure lesson. Building a song from scratch.
  • 1 hour one time skype or zoom call with me. One on One private coaching where you can ask me anything.



One time payment

  • All 4 core modules 20 video lessons
  • All 6 exclusive bonus lessons added from neo-soul sound to phat chords to playing funk and more
  • Video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line
  • Free Song Tear Down- Breakdown of a gospel song and a pop song to see how seasoned musicians think and what you can add to your playing now!
  • My entire stand alone course: Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns & Passing Chord Essentials
  • Bonus lessons 7&8: The soloing scale and song structure lesson. Building a song from scratch
  • 1 hour one time skype or zoom call with me. One on One private coaching where you can ask me anything.

Now just imagine..

A month from now, you sit down at the piano at your local church or at home, and you decide l’m going to create a ballad today. You rest your hands on the piano and completely improvise what you feel and it all sounds beautiful. You then start to build a melody or idea and turn it into chords that sound amazing and soulful. You have the song structure in place so you can put chord progressions together effortlessly. You created something from scratch with ease, no guessing, no overthinking, just what you felt and were passionate about. You created something magical, something unique, something that’s distinctly you. This is the satisfaction Piano By Ear Essentials can give you.

Or you can choose to not take action, continue scavenging all the YouTube videos you can find, and watch time pass you by as you keep dreaming about creating beautiful music that you love and that others will enjoy. My friend, time waits for no-one and what you choose to do today can dramatically change your life forever. I am living proof that this can be done. I was tired of being laughed at and decided to buckle down and learn all the principles that I need to know and built on them. You too can play piano by ear. I recommend you take action now because your future musical YOU depends on it.

The choice is yours..



One time payment

  • All 4 core modules 20 video lessons

  • All 6 exclusive bonus lessons added from neo-soul sound to phat chords to playing funk and more

  • Video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line
  • Free Song Tear Down- Breakdown of a gospel song and a pop song to see how seasoned musicians think and what you can add to your playing now!
  • My entire stand alone course: Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns & Passing Chord Essentials
  • Bonus lessons 7&8 : The soloing scale & song structure lesson. Building a song from scratch. 
  • 1 hour one time skype or zoom call with me. One on One private coaching where you can ask me anything.




  • All 4 core modules 20 video lessons
  • All 6 exclusive bonus lessons added from neo-soul sound to phat chords to playing funk and more
  • Video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line
  • Free Song Tear Down- Breakdown of a gospel song and a pop song to see how seasoned musicians think and what you can add to your playing now!
  • My entire stand alone course: Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns & Passing Chord Essentials
  • Bonus lessons 7&8: The soloing scale and song structure lesson. Building a song from scratch.
  • 1 hour one time skype or zoom call with me. One on One private coaching where you can ask me anything. 



One time payment

  • All 4 core modules 20 video lessons
  • All 6 exclusive bonus lessons added from neo-soul sound to phat chords to playing funk and more
  • Video lesson on the gospel left hand walking bass line
  • Free Song Tear Down- Breakdown of a gospel song and a pop song to see how seasoned musicians think and what you can add to your playing now!
  • My entire stand alone course: Making Music EZ: Progressions, Patterns & Passing Chord Essentials
  • Bonus lessons 7&8: The soloing scale and song structure lesson. Building a song from scratch
  • 1 hour one time skype or zoom call with me. One on One private coaching where you can ask me anything.

I'll see you on the inside!

Marquis Dwah

Remember, music is a universal language that we can all speak. Let me teach you how.