Here's a little about me and how my journey got started

Thanks for checking out my website. My name is Marquis Dwah, a producer, music engineer, recording artist, multi-instrumentalist musician, and founder of Making Music EZ. My goal is to serve as many as I can in developing their musical journey. 

So let me ask you this..

  • Are you a beginner or how have been longing to become a musician?
  • Do you want to learn how to play the piano by ear fast, without years of learning music theory?
  • Do you want to be able to branch out and play multiple instruments with ease?
  • Would you like to be able to create songs that you will love and are passionate about, all by ear?
  • Are you an aspiring producer or producer that wants to learn how to lay down lush chords to make a nice beat without dragging or dropping loops?
  • Do you want to be able to hear your favorite song and within minutes start playing it by ear?

If so, then you came to the right place!

Church is the best place to learn music!

Me playing organ at a sunday morning service

In my opinion, this is where a musician is forced to hone their skills in a sink or swim environment! I'm talking about playing in a church service! However, I wasn't always able to play and carry a service. When I first started out I was so bad that every convention I got kicked off the piano. Sunday morning services were darn near scary for me when the pastor would get up. He would bust out into a traditional old song that I didn't know and I would have to somehow follow along and play while he sang.  I simply couldn't hack it and would get kicked off once he got up to sing on Sunday's. I would sit to the side, embarrassed, but also amazed how the other seasoned musicians could play by ear with virtually no hiccups! Any song the pastor would sing out the blue, they would find the key and play right along, right in the moment. 

I knew I had to make a change

So I locked myself in my basement for hour and I went to work. I practiced and practiced for hours on my keyboard at home. I tried youtube lessons but it didn't help much. After years of toiling and sharpening by ear, it finally clicked! I started to learn the "essentials". I started to recognize the patterns and how the chords sounded and that's when everything opened up for me! 

                                     My aha moment

Now I'm on a new mission

Now my goal is to help those avoid the many pitfalls and YEARS of struggle that I had to endure. Fast forward to today and I can play by ear, play multiple instruments, and CREATE my own music and produce for others! I want to help you develop your ability to be able to do the same. Beginner, intermediate, it really doesn't matter. If you want to play and create music by ear, I urge you to check out my Ultimate Beginners Guide!

This guide is the starting point to playing and creating music by ear that you are passionate about. It lays out the blueprint and gives you a solid foundation for which you can build on. Most importantly, it is totally FREE! 

Get My Free Guide